When You’re a Grandparent, Availability is Job One
A week ago today, we were blessed with our 13th grandchild! That statement definitely needed an exclamation mark, because we want to shout our joy the world. Each and every one of our 13 blessings are worthy of a shout from the heart. We’re so thankful! Some days being a grandparent is very quiet, and on others it’s total mayhem. Of course, I wouldn’t exchange it for the world. While, in our family, newborns have lately come in bursts (4 one year, 3 another, 3 another) I know the days will come before I know it, when they will get older and have their own things going on (like their…
A “Grand” Place – a New Invitation for Grandparents
Welcome to A “Grand” Place — my little corner of the world just for grandparents, especially that unique group of grandparents between the ages of 40 and 65. These might still be raising teens at home or taking care of their own aging parents. Many are still in the workforce, dreaming of retirement and trying to juggle it all. Might that be you? Do you sometimes think, No one prepared me for this! I’m of this younger grandparenting generation. My first grandchild came when I was thirty-eight years old, and my thirteenth is due to arrive mid-summer, with me at the half-ripe age of fifty-six. I am learning as I…
Contemporary and Historical – Two Great Reads Reviewed
It has been a busy month, and I don’t think things are going to slow down. So, as usual, I’m doing most of my recreational reading at bedtime, and I’m plugging along, but I don’t read as long into the night as I did when I was a wee bit younger. That said, I’ve read some good books this month, starting with The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner. This is a book you would not have seen published ten or more years ago. Probably even less than that. Why? Because Christian publishing wasn’t really ready to “go there” in terms of the content. I mean, a book…
January Book Review Roundup! Four historicals so far this year…
Here’s what I’ve been reading so far in 2018, all historical romances set in varying periods. Let me know what you thought if you’ve read these books. What are you reading now? I’ve moved on to a contemporary. More on that later. Here goes: The Lost Heiress (Ladies of the Manor, #1) by Roseanna M. White, a 2015 novel published by Bethany House Publishers/Baker Publishing Group, is a Christy nominated novel that gets my choice for BEST OPENING LINE so far this year. See if this doesn’t catch your attention: Temptation sat before her, compelling as the sea. Great, isn’t it? Her opening paragraph decided me right there that I wouldn’t…
Goodreads Book Giveaway The Deepest Sigh by Naomi Dawn Musch Giveaway ends November 17, 2017. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway
November in History: 1917, The Great War
Welcome, November, a great month to take a look back into history, and discover what was going on 100 years ago. Maybe we can learn something together. Did you know that as WWI raged on, and the United States was preparing for its first winter of engagement in the conflict, November brought one of the most devastating battles, with nothing gained? Not to depress you or anything, but the horrific 3rd battle of Ypres, more generally known as the battle of Passchendaele (a small Belgium village captured by Canadian troops), like the battle of the Somme, became symbolic of WWI for two things, mud and casualties. With little gained of that…
That’s right! Faithful supporters put votes for The Deepest Sigh over the top during Author Shout’s Cover Wars last week, and now it’s the Book of the Week! To celebrate, I’m going to give away an autographed copy. Yay! Want in? Keep reading. I’ll be doing the giveaway through Goodreads. (Why? Because it’s every reader’s haven, of course.) So if you aren’t on Goodreads, go sign up. Start adding books to your “Want to Read” list. ADD THE DEEPEST SIGH, that way you’ll get a reminder when the giveaway starts. I have another reason for doing the giveaway now. See, my birthday is coming up November 10th. That’s right, apparently time is moving forward. So I…
Delia’s veiled hair was like a crown of glory in the sunlight. Lang admired her a moment longer and then looked back at Rilla. Her face was still turned to the crowd. Some wisps of hair had come loose from her chignon and feathered her cheek in the gentle breeze. The sleeves of her dress moved against her arms, and the hem of her skirt flirted with her legs. In a sudden flash, he saw it. She would never be the beauty Delia was, but she had grown. She’d changed in subtle ways. “Aren’t you hungry?” She looked back at him. He shrugged. “I guess. I’ll go over and eat…
It’s an Historical Fiction (1900-1940s) Facebook Party! Ooh… Have we got fun!
You may have seen this party mentioned on social media. It’s a Facebook Party this Friday night, Oct. 6th, 2017, featuring 8 Christian Historical Fiction authors with books set during the early 20th century (1900-1940s). I am hosting toward the end of the evening, from 8:30-9:00 EST / 7:30-8:00 CST), and right after that there’ll be a drawing for the Grand Prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a Runner Up Prize of 8 Christian Novels featuring early 20th century historical themes. Would you like to know how to win? Okay! HOW TO ENTER: • Click you will attend the party. DO THAT HERE. • Share the party on…
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